Friday, 26 April 2019

Bane & Boon of AI based Apps

YouTube, it can beat all the TV Channels put together, these days I don't choose the program, it lists and plays on its own, it knows my interests and it's beautiful.. I am relieved of the pain of choosing and I am delighted with the list of contents.

That's the boon and the bane is , I get what I love / like, if I like Messi, I get more of Messi, I doubt existence of God, I get more of the same.. And I get contents that I believe and it gets reinforced multifold, now I strongly believe Messi is the world's greatest player and I doubt the existence of God, deeper than what it was earlier..

And the boon is, You tube knows me better, knows my interests, my likes/dislikes, my intelligence level and today, if anyone wants to pick certain kind of individuals at a global level, YouTube can list it down in a minute.. If a recruiter look for certain characteristic individuals at a global level, they can shortlist very easily.. world is changing for better and I love this..

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