Friday, 26 April 2019

Bane & Boon of AI based Apps

YouTube, it can beat all the TV Channels put together, these days I don't choose the program, it lists and plays on its own, it knows my interests and it's beautiful.. I am relieved of the pain of choosing and I am delighted with the list of contents.

That's the boon and the bane is , I get what I love / like, if I like Messi, I get more of Messi, I doubt existence of God, I get more of the same.. And I get contents that I believe and it gets reinforced multifold, now I strongly believe Messi is the world's greatest player and I doubt the existence of God, deeper than what it was earlier..

And the boon is, You tube knows me better, knows my interests, my likes/dislikes, my intelligence level and today, if anyone wants to pick certain kind of individuals at a global level, YouTube can list it down in a minute.. If a recruiter look for certain characteristic individuals at a global level, they can shortlist very easily.. world is changing for better and I love this..

Friday, 19 April 2019

Being a Rebel

How does it like to be one! You fight for the injustice knowing that you will fall prey, but it is that selfless act, sometimes could be an egoistic act, that small act of defiance by few, could uphold Justice, had been the starting point of many revolutions when it echoed the popular sentiments and has changed this world for better. The sacrifices of those few need to be honored and the younger generation should be encouraged to fight against those injustice rather than showing apathy towards the social concerns.

And Rebellion is not just fighting against an authoritarian regime, but that first act of defiance against the injustice, that voice against the wrongdoings, is the right thing towards a better future..

Saturday, 13 April 2019

An insecure leader

Read somewhere, that a leader is paid 50% for protecting his team and another 50% for what he delivers. A leader who is so insecure, will never be able to do this, instead he will put the entire blame on his team and shortly, he will be on his way out..

Friday, 5 April 2019

Rome Wasn't Built in a Day

We need daily results, monthly target achievements, monthly market share growth at any cost, that's the expectation today in most of the organization, True, in Long term all are dead, but too much of short sightedness is killing the Indian Industry and employees standard of working..