Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Make the world more Curved

Human body is one of the best designs in the Universe, perfected over millions of years and there are lot of things that we can learn from our body on design.. One thing which hurts me on design is those sharp edges, check your body, how many sharp edges do you have, nothing! everything curved, smoothened, only exception is our teeth. Look at the earth, Sun, Moon, Planets, Space everything curved, smoothened..

Look at the car tail lamps, most of them are of Polygon shape, having sharp edges.. Think of a Circle, Ellipse, Parabolic shaped tail lamps, won't that look nice.. A Ellipse shaped mirror will look great than a rectangular shaped one, think of curved dining table, TV, Laptops, Land-line Phones, Charger, Note books, bags, all those around you, won't that look nice when it's curved rather than a typical rectangular shape.. Off-course there are limitations, the surface area is lesser than that of a rectangle of similar size but in places where bigger surface area is not a concern or becomes an advantage, won't that look great.. So lets make the world more curved than what it is now..

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