Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Office politics
How strong is your team?
Sunday, 24 July 2016
Exercise & Energy
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
Imposter Syndrome
Compliance vs contribution
Monday, 11 July 2016
Breaking the wall
How often do we face a wall on our path and get struck for years together, its not necessary that we need to break the wall all the time, at times we need to jump over the wall, take a left or right turn and sometimes we can take a U turn to take a different route. Sticking on to the idea of breaking the wall may not work if you couldn't break it for a pretty long time.
Wall is just a metaphor for the barrier that we face to achieve our goals, checkout other new ways of reaching your goal and even your goals itself can be rechecked. Goals are not the destiny, a careful analysis of your destiny can change the goals itself and you can take a different route, you will be surprised, there could be no walls. We waste lot of time in trying to break the wall, worst preparing ourselves to break the wall, think again, you may just have to take a turn..
Sunday, 3 July 2016
Do the extreme
You are what you are and will always be and hence its very important that you do what you are not, to get used to things which you are not comfortable, which you feel is very messy, difficult, frustrating.. And when we are used to what we are not, we can face the world much more boldly, with lot of confidence. We don't get bogged down by those messy things, instead we get the courage to face it head on..
So what's your fear, what you don't like, what you think is messy, frustrating. Do the extreme for sometime, say you don't like confronting anyone, select one group and go head on. You don't like mingling with groups, take up something which you love where you need to meet lot of people, say social service. Do you find it difficult to keep your house clean, go for community cleaning, am sure things will change for ever. Are you afraid of heights, go trekking on a mountain.
We can live in fear for ever but do the extreme of the one which you wish to get rid of, say for a period of three months, am sure life will be lot better..
Saturday, 25 June 2016
Give Freedom, Lose control
Give them the direction & freedom, lose your control, grow their confidence, get things done, make yourself irrelevant, move on to the next role, what next.. Repeat!..
Assuming you have different kingdoms surrounding your country and you want to invade some territory, how do you choose the kingdom.
1. Area which can benefit you
2. Area with least resistance
Least resistance need not necessarily from small or weak player, it could be from large player who has become weak. Choose the right area before invasion, it will make your progress easy.
Well, its not so easy, what if all areas are of strong resistance and you are about to lose your area from invasion!
1. Defend what you have
2. Gain strength
3. Invade the weak among the strong
Same holds good in Marketing, at times we forget the basics and we remind ourselves on that..
Saturday, 18 June 2016
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Jupiter |
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Mars |
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Neptune |
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Venus |
Do what you wish
Penny wise Pound foolish
Thursday, 16 June 2016
A Donkey is a donkey is a donkey
How many times you relaunch, rebrand, renovate, recycle, redesign, once perceived as donkey, it will remain so for ever. Nano will go the same way, however painful it is, Nano Twist earlier, Nano Electric tomorrow.
All of us have so many donkeys, accept the same as donkey, use it as donkey or dump the donkey. Do not try to make it a horse, it ll never be..
Sunday, 12 June 2016
Folding the universe
If you fold a paper into half 100 times, the thickness of the paper will cover the entire observable universe. Of course the reverse is also true!. If you cut the universe into half 100 times, its thickness will become just a piece of paper. And it has taken 13.7 billion years to have this size, roughly around 137 million years to double itself, painfully slow, isn't it..
Who said universe is so big, its just a piece of paper folded 100 times!!!
And thrilled with the power of doubling, just double what you want to do in a fixed interval. Double, the time of reading, blogging, Jogging, earnings, turnover, assets, happiness, sex!, over a fixed period of time, it can become as big as the universe!!
Sunday, 5 June 2016
Getting it done
We need people who get things done, people who focus on getting it done doesn't worry about what is in store for them and when someone come out of his personal bias he can get things done easily, sometimes giving credit to others and at times sacrificing themselves. We need more of them now!
Friday, 3 June 2016
Flipped Kart
There are various theories told about declining sales & valuation of Flipkart but one reason I could see is that they failed to enable the customers to choose the right products. In e commerce sites, the biggest challenge is to ensure quality & pricing of products where third party is producing/selling the products. Amazon overcome this challenge by forcing the customers to rate all the products they bought. It puts pressure on the seller to ensure quality & also it helps the customers to choose the right products based on customer feedback.
The last time I bought items in Flipkart is when I returned 3 of the 5 items I ordered and I am happy with all the products that I bought in Amazon based on customer rating. E commerce is here to stay, will become big and will create the organisation of the future, Flipkart need to just look for ways to serve the customers better, rest all just noise which they can ignore..
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
A Man of Principles
You don't take, don't give, don't allow anyone surrounding you to take, the biggest menace of this society, the Bribe.. That's the man of principles whom I know, died recently at the age of 66. Life was not so easy for him, he lived with all the repercussions of being honest but never compromised on his principles. He refused to pay Rs. 300 bribe for name transfer of his property and he filed a case which he won 23 years later, just 15 days before his death. This is what we call, somewhere someone, they live & die but their legacy, the principles inspire so many and will live in this world forever..
Thursday, 26 May 2016
Have Fun!
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
One hell of vulnerability
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
Two important things for peace in Life..
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
I am not enough!
But what if Darwin theory & Mona Lisa painting was hidden for ever, there could be so many artists whose theories/painting/novels are hidden forever, who are not known to this world, who have lost their life thinking that they are not enough. Certainly your creation is not enough for you, sky is your limit, but it is more than enough for the rest of the world, better than the creation of others. As Susan Cain puts it..
“You probably have the impulse to guard very carefully what’s inside your own suitcase. And that’s okay. But occasionally . . . I hope you will open up your suitcases for other people to see, because the world needs you and it needs the things you carry.”
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
Grow or Go!
Monday, 9 May 2016
Studipidy of Market share
Friday, 6 May 2016
Get Exposed!
Saturday, 30 April 2016
Let it go!
There are very few products in Automobile Industry in India, which failed in the initial launch and then went on to become a successful product in relaunch. There could be many reasons and one could be the stigma attached to a failed product where brand image plays a major role. But when 9 out of 10 products go this way why people stick to their failed products rather than letting it go! There could be huge loss associated with it, it may not be possible for a sudden exit but one should be prepared for a phased exit otherwise the opportunity loss of not letting it go will be on the higher side.
There are lot of products which are nowhere near that of competition and still try to fix the issues by leaps and bounds and by the time they fix those issues the competition is way ahead and we settle down for a meager market share. If that is what you are looking for, fair enough, but if it is not, Let it go!..
Friday, 22 April 2016
How many times you have failed..
And every time you fail, pat your back, failure is a relative term, its warped with your aspirations & dreams and be happy that your aspirations are as high as to make you fail. Keep moving, you are in the right direction, after all we have seen so many failures in the past..
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
The moral dilemma
# Join pandava and fight for dharma against duryodhana
If you are a person of principles, stay away from working against Dharma but the best is to fight for Dharma, favors that you receive in the past or future should be irrelevant.. Even sacrifice of one's own life doesn't justify working against Dharma, so the stand of Vibhishana is the right one and history has proved that the person who followed Adharma got killed and the one who followed Dharma got the kingdom..
Saturday, 16 April 2016
Status quo
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Nothing is better than something!
Saturday, 9 April 2016
Folding a Paper
1. This is known fact, If you fold a paper 100 times, the thickness of the paper will almost cover the entire observable universe..
Folding a paper 100 times, the thickness is T (100) = t * 2^100 = t * 1.268 * 10^30
=0.05 mm * 1.268* 10^30
= 6.34 * 10^22 kms
t is the thickness of the paper which is 0.05 mm
and T is thickness of paper after 100 folds
Observable Universe Diameter is 91 billion light years
Diameter in Kms = 91 billion * 9.461* 10^12 kms = 8.61* 10^23 kms
2. You cant fold a normal paper beyond 7/8 times, because the ratio of length to thickness will become less than two and further folding is difficult.. So what should be the optimum length of a paper to fold as many times as possible? There are formula available, here is a simple formula..
# Folding of a paper is limited to normal human ability
# Folding can only be done in breath and length -wise, it cannot be done on the thickness side, because it will cause damage to the paper itself
# Paper can be comfortably folded when the length to thickness ratio is more than than two.. Optimum length of a paper required to fold should have a length to thickness ratio of 2:1
Folding only on the length of the paper:
Optimal Length for folding n times L(n) = t * 2^n * 2^(n-1)
So if a paper need to be folded 13 times the paper length should be, L(13) = t * 2^13 * 2^12
Assuming paper thickness of 0.05 mm, the optimum length required to fold a paper 13 times on its length is L (13) = 0.05 * 2^13 * 2^12 = 1677 metres = 1.67 kms long Paper!!!
And the thickness of the paper after 13 folds is T (13) = t * 2^13 = 0.05 * 2^13 = 0.409 metres
Folding on Breadth and Length:
Assuming folding on breading first and then on length,
B (n) = t * 2^n * 2^(n-1)
Where t thickness, n is no. of folds done breath-wise
L (n) = T * 2^n * 2^(n-1)
where T is the thickness after the n folds Breadth-wise which is t*2^n and n is the no. of folds done length-wise
Thursday, 7 April 2016
The Turning point
What is your Turning point in life.. We can always relate this with the games and in biography of great leaders, ask again what is that point in your life, we had few in the past but the game is long way to go, what is the turning point that you look forward in future and what are we doing about it..
Sunday, 3 April 2016
Combo offers
Saturday, 2 April 2016
Thinking in Graphs and Pictures
Friday, 1 April 2016
Creativity and Procrastination
Sunday, 27 March 2016
Share Taxi - The next big opportunity
Friday, 18 March 2016
Maladies of Organisation 2
In the "Lack of Awareness" in Organisation, the biggest problem is Understating the needs of the customer.. The problem is much bigger than anyone can imagine..
The Longer the time to make a product, the larger the sale of the product, the bigger the issue is.. We don't know what's the customer requirement so we make 10 models with 3 varieties with 3 combinations and then struggle with 90 products inventory and their complexity and worse still not satisfying the exact needs of the customer..
This is more evident but why do companies struggle.. In lot of Organisation, people with good execution capability grow fast until they reach the Top management levels and most of them lack this expertise. One more reason is not getting the right team for the product function, even if it is, probably they get lost.. We need a more intuitive team for this role who not just go by the data they analyse but also understand the nuances of the customer requirement and they should stand above all, including the so called strong sales guys in the organisation.. Understand why Apple Inc Chief Design officer Jonathan Ive directly reported to Steve Jobs and was kept above all..
The product team need to remember these key things..
1. Do we know where & how to get the effective information on customer requirement
2. Where the market goes and what it is now
3. Doing what is right for the customer rather than what does customer want. Customers are not aware what is good for them until they experience, sometimes even after experiencing.. what is right will pay off in long run if properly communicated to the market.. Snacks are bad but zero trans fat snack is comparatively better for the customer even with a small compromise on the taste. The dilemma is much stronger in situations like safety of an Automobile Vs fuel efficiency, Quality of the product Vs pricing.
4. What are the most valuable functions of a product in your customer segment? Is it the fuel efficiency or Driving comfort of a Truck, Versatility of a Tractor or Application specific, Image of a car brand or pricing..
5. Listen. Listen to your employees, partners, channels, customers, competition.
6. Organisation capability, Aspirations should match with the current capability of the Organisation, one cannot produce a quality product if there are inherent weakness in R&D and Quality functions, so prepare yourself for trial and error launch, until the capability issues are fixed.
Today lot of companies waste their time in bringing the wrong product, then pushing their sales team, worst increase the sales team size, not satisfying the customers then give deep discounts for selling that product, absolute waste of resources and time..
The need of the hour is that there should be simple models which can capture the needs of the customer to a greater degree of accuracy and also the adoption of the same across Organisations, It will benefit the customers, will raise the bar for the competition and bring in greater revolution in satisfying the customer needs..
Wednesday, 16 March 2016
When you Dream big!
When you dream big in an organisation, when you aim to do 10x, its natural that the people surrounding you, who will get affected, will get the going tough for you.. The important things to take care are
1. Conviction, keep moving forward rather than doubting your goals & effort
2. Give credit to everyone around you, Top, Bottom, peers
3. Perseverance, How long you can withstand
4. Speed, Vary the speed, to keep it on rails..
Sunday, 13 March 2016
A Leader
Enough has been written about leadership, can we make it simple? here is my thoughts..
Who is a leader? What does she do? A leader is one who makes/facilitates significant contribution to the work that she undertakes..
Everyone wants to be a leader, but the real leader doesn't really want to be the one, she just focusses on getting things done.. The work takes the center stage and everything else goes backstage.
At times the real leader will not be seen, her contribution may not be visible, but she gets things done..
Saturday, 12 March 2016
Blame it on Execution!
Most of the management team believes that they have a perfect strategy but a poor execution and they blame it on their team..
Possibly true, But if their execution is bad what should be their strategy? What is the role of management team in execution?
First on strategy, its a continuous process and should take shape according to the response from time to time.. A good strategy focusses on what is right, what is possible for the organisation and adjusts itself to their executional capabilities..
A good execution is based on the team belief in the strategy, their engagement level and their capability. The management team has a major role to play in all this..
So next time you wanna blame it on execution, think twice..
Friday, 11 March 2016
Short & Simple 2
Books are one area where the technological revolution is happening after long time but still long way to go.. Books particularly non fiction need to be short & simple, gone are the days where people can read hundreds of pages.. Today we have TED talks which explains the content of a whole book in just 20 mins.. And we are seeing summaries of books being published, podcast and live TED video shows..
The future is going to be book summary written by Author himself, Summary Podcast, Book video shows, movies on books.. How good it will be if we can watch a video for one hr or so, the author explaining his book..
Books educates and transforms the world, the responsibility is more on the authors to make it short, simple and attractive..
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Short and simple is beautiful
Monday, 7 March 2016
Maladies of an Organisation
Saturday, 5 March 2016
Management theories
The main difference between Einstein and typical management theories are, the former leaves it to the world to prove his theories experimentally, could be proved hundred years later and the later wants to prove it with statistical analysis however biased or inaccurate it could be..
Management professionals should not waste their time in trying to prove their theories with statistics, they should believe in their intuition and leave it to the world to test it out.. Right theories doesn't need any statistics and the readers will connect it with their own examples & statistics..
Peter Trucker's "Principles of effective executive" doesn't need any statistics and any reader can connect and relate the same easily to their lives..
So the next time someone ask you to prove your theories, tell them the readers will do it..
Friday, 4 March 2016
The Next Big War
The next big war is not going to be fought between two strong nations but between the weak & the strong.. The world is well connected than ever before and provides a platform for the weak to join hands, and the weak in large numbers is not a weaker force. History has proved that the weak can be destroyed or controlled by strong irrespective of their moral grounds until the weak is out numbered.. The weak is not always right but a weak will become stronger than ever before.. What we are seeing in the world today are the smaller versions of this war..
Its time the strong understand the strength of the weak, focus on taking a stand on moral grounds rather than their ability to control the weaker forces, understand the plurality of this society and relinquish the need to dominate one another..
Its only in this way the weak can be held small and less destructive force.. But to me, looking at the intolerance in this world today, we have a long way to go..
Thursday, 3 March 2016
Feeling Insecure
If you feel insecure in your job, you are not learning & growing and if people around you are insecure, you are learning and growing.. In the first case you are to be blamed, start working hard and in the later you don't need to worry about, just continue what you do..
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
Live and let die
Monday, 29 February 2016
India is a State-Nation, Not a Nation-State: Yogendra Yadav
Sunday, 28 February 2016
A Beautiful Phrase
Monday, 22 February 2016
I have never tried a blog on political affairs but the recent events in India and more so the misunderstanding of the general public forced me to write this.. The idea is not to prove my point but to educate the people of my country..
Nationality is a virtual reality like Money, Religion, Corporation etc unlike the Objective realities like Plants, Animals, Humans, Water, Air, Mountains etc.. It is the belief in these Virtual reality that made the growth of Humans through flexible cooperation in large nos.. No Animals will believe in virtual reality like money or Nationality and a chimpanzee will not give you Bananas for money writes Yuval Noah Harari in his book Sapiens - A brief History of Human kind..
And slowly with the evolution of humans the virtual reality has taken over the objective reality, money has become more important than the fellow species, Nationality has become more important than the welfare of the entire society, corporation have become more important than the very people it employs..
Its important that we often remind ourselves of these virtual realities else we will destroy the entire objective realities like fellow species, Air, water, mountains and will also destroy each other.. To put it again, Nationality is one such Virtual reality and welfare of the entire society is more important than the nationhood.
Nationality is the virtual reality which holds the people in the entire nation to live together and it will exist as long as majority of the people of nation has a trust in that.. Oppressing dissenting voices in large No's will damage the trust and the very unity of the nation. Nationality is invoked by the totalitarian regimes to garner support to their atrocities and more its used for crushing the General Public, minority & Marginalised the more will be the dissent and the loss of trust on the very concept of the nation.. Time we understand, acknowledge the dissenting voices and hold the solidarity of this nation..