One's progress is limited by his thoughts & action and Reading kindle the thoughts of lot of us which make it so important.. The biggest problem is to understand "what to read", when we went to school, It was Hindu Newspaper and then the Hindu Editorial and then in college it was Business Today, Business week etc and then when we work, we want to read every book but don't have enough time.. It so important to know what to read, what not to read and how to read when we have limited amount of time.. Some of my thoughts..
Dr. Marshall Goldsmith - Bringing your negative behavior to neutral is no easy job, he makes it simple..
His Book on "What got you here wont get you there"
His Talk on Google
Peter Trucker- Everything written by him if you are into Management, His biography is a good one, not about his life but about his writings..
TED Talks - Each video of maximum 20 mins is a book written by the intellects of this world.. We can just watch this for hours together like TV programs.. TED took the writings of so many intellects to the world and these three are beauty..
Susan Cairn on "Power of Introverts"
Brene Brown on "Vulnerability"
Larry Smith on "Why will fail to have a great career"
Dale Carnegie on How to win friends and Influence people - Basics of Human Behavior doesn't change in 80 years and this teaches the basics on dot..
Biographies - Life of great leaders teaches us more than any other books, choose any.. Some i liked are Einstein, Steve Jobs, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln..
Twitter - This is good medium to Read & Learn things, add all the Authors, Personalities, e magazines, Organisations, Areas of Interest as followers and get update everyday.. Check personalities what they follow..
Magazines/Apps - Harvard Business Review Magazine & Blogs, Mckinsey Insights App, (News App), Live Mint (Business News App)
E Readers - Have passion for reading and don't have enough time to Read, put your e reader on Read aloud mode and just Drive/Relax.. Good one is Flipkart e Books and google Play Books of which the later is cost effective. Amazon Kindle in Android doesn't have voice reader option..